Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nothing like a brisk morning walk.

This morning I realized that I was feeling guilty for buying a muffin and a cup of coffee from the campus cafe two days in a row, so I walked to Fresh & Easy. My refrigerator did not fit in the car on move-in day, unfortunately, so my room has been rather foodless since I've been here. Mostly unfortunate because I normally make myself breakfast. The muffins were excellent, but I have a hard time paying a significant mark-up on something I can replicate, or even improve on, myself.

And so there I was at the door of our new grocery store. I think its name betrays the company's British origins; how something that would be pretty offensive if applied to a person is so appropriate here amuses me to no end. As it turned out, though, those doors were, for the moment, locked. With fifteen minutes to kill, I went next door and got a cup of coffee at the new coffee shop, resisting the pastries on display. Now that I've been ensconced in the land of perpetual young adulthood for a while, little kids grab my attention whenever they're around. I see them so rarely. This morning, it was a super-articulate two-year-old who caught me. Sitting in his stroller, he rang out, "Peet's Coffee! Peet's Coffee!" as soon as he saw the building. His dad pushed him past a woman with a couple of dachshunds, and the little blond, with his thin, dark wide-set eyes, declared, "Those are not my favorite type of dogs." Sooo cute.

I decided on nutella and flaxseed bread, which, I'm sure, has more fiber and protein than the stuff I've been eating lately. It also happened to be an incredibly delicious combination. I had an 8:30 class, so I had to hurry back. I managed to enjoy my new favorite breakfast afterward, before chapel, and you know, another class, and lunch, and another class, and work at the library, and a literary magazine meeting. The challenge with being busy is not in doing everything; it's doing it without breaking a sweat, which is especially hard when the humidity's high. If I could run between things without exciting attention, life would be so much easier.

1 comment:

Grant said...

haha i never thought to apply f & e to a person. But that is comical.