A lot happened in the end of summer and first half of the semester, but here's what I've got pictures of.
Daniel and I went on a lovely date in Balboa during the summer, stopping by to peer in the telescopes of the weekly astronomy group that meets among the museums Wednesday nights.
The twins came to campus for their seventeenth birthdays. We hit the town and had dinner at Sushi Deli.
I think it was the first time at a sushi restaurant for all three of them. Best. miso soup. ever.
We did some hardcore thrift store shopping and also had a pleasant lunch at Con Pane the next day.
For Constitution Day, Daniel and three other debaters formed a panel and held an audience-friendly debate on the issues surrounding immigration law. Daniel was surprisingly witty and comfortable in front of a large group. I deeply enjoyed it, but I also think Constitution Day is one of the best days of the year, regardless of its state compulsion.
On Free Museum Day (a Smithsonian production, I think), we printed tickets for both the Natural History Museum and the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center. Mac and Daniel gleefully explored the hands-on exhibits.
We spent some quality time in the wood block building area.
Angelica and her friends constructed edifices as well.
The optical illusion section. The Natural History Museum's gemstone exhibit was by far my favorite part of the day, but pictures were not allowed, so the brilliance of the sapphires, amethysts, diamonds, opals, and precious stones I've never heard of will have to be imagined floating in my head in this picture.
Daniel has a knack for finding periscopes.
My advisor asked some literature students to participate in a music/poetry night held by music department faculty in October, and I gladly agreed. I drafted a short introduction to William Blake and read a couple of his poems as a preface to art songs of his works. I'm not on stage very often, so that look on my face is a little excitement and mostly relief at having dispatched my duty adequately.