Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It's completely worth the $7.50 a week I'm giving up.

So the other day I was walking through the magazine racks in the library, ostensibly tidying things but really just looking for a way to turn 4:45 into 5 o'clock. I decided San Diego Magazine's shiny pictures and teasing headlines piqued my attention sufficiently, and began to leaf through it. As I finished an article on San Diego's top ten rankings, I glanced at the story on the next page, "The Uncivil War at City Hall," and noted the byline. "By Dean Nelson" it read. Dean Nelson, I thought. I know a Dean Nelson. He's the head of the journalism department, the academic advisor for the school newspaper. Could it be the same guy?

I flipped to the front of the magazine. There he was, pictured among the issue's contributors. Our journalism professor is still actively reporting? So neat. Marveling at my fortuitous discovery, I looked at the clock and found my shift was over.

Today I perfunctorily clicked my radio on as I returned to my dorm room to trade my Spanish books for my World Civ ones before chapel. It was still tuned to KPBS, the local NPR affiliate and my daily breakfast accompaniment. Through the standard masculine talk radio murmuring I heard, "Dean Nelson, head of Point Loma Nazarene University's journalism department..."

There he was again! This time, he was part of a panel on the future of public broadcasting. I was absolutely floored. So this was what the approving nods at the Press-Enterprise Journalism Boot Camp I attended when I fifteen were about. When the reporters and editors had asked me where I wanted to go, I always responded, "Point Loma". "Excellent journalism program," they'd reply. And I thought they were just saying that.

So today when the library supervisor e-mailed me asking if I'd like to add 4-5 pm Mondays to my workload, I didn't hesitate to decline. That's when the Point Weekly meets. I'm getting experience under a real, active, published member of San Diego's media community.

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