Friday, November 14, 2008

The headline was "A Writer in a Living Novel." I couldn't resist.

Something about this picture really appealed to me. And then I read the story and it appealed to me even more.

So I put the picture on my wall, and asked my photography-minor friend Liz what she thought about it. Then I made her repeat herself so that I could write down some of what she said.

"Her green bandanna contrasts with his red shirt, signifying dominance."
"What's the first thing you look at? His shirt, which leads your eye up to his hat and her bandanna, then down and around."
"Look at the chairs on the left and the sticks on the right. Domestic and rugged."
"Look at the guns; his is pointing up and hers is pointing down."
"The short depth of field. All good movies use short depth of field, unless they want you to look at something in the background."
"Overall, I didn't really like it, but it's a good picture."


Anonymous said...

This couple shares a weird life philosophy..... A life full of contradictions. She is literate; he is not. She works; he does not.

What do they really stand for? Mooching off of people they actually hate. Yes, they said it, not me!

Kaitlin said...

Oh, you know that's not what she meant. It's the contradictions that make them so intriguing in the first place, anyways.