Thursday, September 6, 2007

Twenty flat.

I picked up a few more hours in the library, putting me at the Point Loma work study recommended limit of 20 hours a week. Huzzah!

Last night I wrote a paper, edited another, and formatted a third, then printed them all out for (shhh...the best-kept secret of this job) free on the circulation desk computer. I also drank coffee, researched Scotland, and read various assigned passages from my classes.

Today I was browsing the shelves and restacking when Jane Eyre's American Daughters caught my eye. I stopped and gave it a once-over, mildly but not overwhelmingly interested. But then I looked up and glanced the surrounding titles, and discovered The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Now, Charlotte and Emily, yes, they're given; no self-respecting library would neglect to house at least Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre. But Anne, the lesser-known younger sister, is often tragically absent. I was fortunate to find a copy of Agnes Grey last year, but when I searched the Riverside County Library System then, not a single branch, of the dozens it encompasses, carried a copy of The Tenant.

But Point Loma has it. I love this place. Now, if only I had time to read...

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