Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pathetic fallacy.

Though the sun was shining bright and golden, raindrops spattered on my head as I walked to a meeting today. The light shone through the drops and though it made them sparkly, it did not make them any less wet.

I got my RA rejection letter today. I really, really wanted that position. And I'm not a big fan of rejection. I'm pretty much a chronic rejection-avoider. And so there's really not much more to say about that.

However, I did have the better part of a paltry eight-page issue of The Point Weekly devoted to my writing this week.

The articles are essentially spiffed-up AP-compliant versions of the entries I posted here a few weeks ago.

So that was good. I'm still seriously bummed, though. I'd go drown my sorrows in something, but I'm not that sort of person. I think I am going to go to the campus student film forum tonight, though. That should perk me up.


Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Say What?!

K-Barr, I could've pulled strings.

barefootkangaroo said...

I am sad because this is the first reference letter of mine that has failed to go the distance. It was well worth the ink, and I am glad that my perfect reference letter record was tarnished in pursuit of such a worthy and ambitious goal. I would feel bad if I squandered it on a job at McDonalds or something like that. Ah well, if you stand back and look at the year you are having I would say you're doing more than just fine. I'm sure that Freshmen start off on the lower rung in the ladder in the RA selection process. I would try again next year. There's no doubt that you have what it takes- maybe you just need another year of experience before you can be considered. Either way I'm on your team- win or lose I am for Kaitlin Barr.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a yogurt with toppings would help?


Kaitlin said...

Oh, I'm still too idealistic to pull strings; I'd feel guilty. I'll start mining contacts when I'm trying to get somewhere in a publishing company...

Thanks for helping me out with the references, Josh, and thanks for being on my team!

As for yog[h]urt, the chances of me falling in with someone who has a car and is willing to drive out by UCSD with me are fairly slim...