Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Em-dash, E.M. Forster, email—I sense a theme here.

While conducting some typographical clarification last week, I discovered what is quite possibly the funniest blog post title I've ever seen. Ready for it? "I want my, I want my, em-dash key"

Last week I also discovered a magical, revolutionary thing called the RSS feed. With this "really simple syndication," I found I could have updates of any compatible website sent to my Yahoo homepage. No more trolling NPR for new podcasts—links to new episodes in the ones I subscribe to will show up as soon as they're posted.

In Honors Comp, my prof quoted that E.M. Forster line under my profile picture word for word. I had to smile.

Yesterday I got an email informing me I had sold my Communication textbook, and today I shipped it out. I don't remember what I bought it for, somewhere around $80-100, but I sold it for $50, which I'm only too happy to take. I spent almost $500 on books altogether last semester, but contrived this semester not to spend a thing.

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