Friday, February 22, 2008

While we're on the subject of songwriters...

I was listening to a podcast from last week, and I really liked a lot of what folk singer David Wilcox had to say.

"I love how when a song is kind of wrapped up, you know like we wrap a present, so that the person receiving it can be involved in discovering it. When the language of a song is gift-wrapped like that there is something magical that happens, and this idea pops in your head like it’s your idea."

I've noticed that catalyst effect before, but I've never considered that it could be an intentional act on the artist's part. I have often wondered if a thought that occurs while reading or listening to someone ekse's work rightfully belongs to me or them. I guess it could depend on whether they were doing it on purpose, like Wilcox apparently does.

"I love getting to know people through their songs, starting friendships in the middle rather than at the beginning, because music has done all the hard work for us about finding out where does this person find joy, and what makes them angry and what makes them happy and what gives them hope. When you know that about somebody, then you don’t have to spend the first whatever talking about the weather."

I like to think that writing in general is much the same way as this.

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