Monday, May 19, 2008

I got a new laptop!

I really wanted to go all four years of college without buying a computer, but realized, when I filled in for the copyeditor last semester, that the library's abbreviated weekend hours were not going to cut it. I started searching for a reasonable option and found that I could get a Dell Vostro, their small business model, for the same or less than what I would pay in a store, sans the annoying start-up software that usually clogs a new desktop. There's something about making purchases online that always makes me feel super capable and grown-up. The process only took nine days, and my laptop was delivered today; I'm typing on it now. Kudos to Dell for a streamlined experience.

1 comment:

Daniel Nadal said...

Congratulations! (I guess. Heh.)

Purchasing a laptop. That's a fun process, agreed. Especially online, with all the myriad of choices and coupons and ... yeah. Partially fond memories (if one can use such a word for that sort of project.)