Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Oh yeah, I totally used to write for the Press-Enterprise..."

Talking this week to last year's Point Weekly copyeditor, who's currently interning at the Press-Enterprise, put me in mind of my stint as a writer for the Young & Sharp feature of the Sunday Opinion page. I visited the website, and lo and behold, my 10-second intro is still posted, and accessible here (I'm in row 2, column 4). But only if you feel like laughing at my expense. I definitely look young, but I can't vouch for sharp—seventeen, nervous, and sporting the worst haircut of my life, without exception. Longest awkward adolescence ever. I don't think I'm even out of it yet. My submissions were decent, but only as spectacular as two or three paragraphs on a current issue can be.

It was a golden time, that year between high school and college. Ben Shapiro was my hero, and I actually could generate a response to a current event on cue. Now I've started hedging my positions and looking at the sides of issues to a deeper extent, and at times I'm almost paralyzed by an unwillingness to adhere to any opinion that I might change later. Heaven forbid I should look stupid.


Tom said...

I like the line that could've been pulled from a Geisel story.

Kaitlin said...

And would you believe I didn't even do that on purpose? I didn't notice it until after the fact.