Here they are: the fruits of my LEAD Week toil.
I was able to finish the copy editing and get into bed by midnight. The best part, though, was when Dean, the faculty adviser, handed me the issue he was going to mark up with corrections, because all he had to say was, "Flawless." I showed him the one error that didn't get fixed, a lowercase "hall" in the first photo, but I was really happy to hear that.
Congratulations =)
Good job. It is quite professional.
I am also really glad to hear that the library will finally have AC. It would get so hot in there.
Do you know why Sherita left? I interviewed her last Spring and she didn't seem like she was dissatisfied.
Funny you should ask; that was Dean's critique of my piece—that I left that question in the reader's mind. Another editor found out that she received an offer from Indiana Wesleyan for free tuition for a program she wanted to enter if she went to go work for them. Did you interview her formally for something?
I can't believe Sherita left paradise!!!!!For INDIANA???? I hope the program is worth the sacrifice.
My interview was for a project involving original research. It had to be qualitative so it was tete-a-tete. I asked questions involving the organizational culture of Residential Life.
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