Saturday, August 23, 2008

Another parlor trick for the collection.

At dinner on the lawn beside the amphitheater I sat with another editor of the paper and a family she knew from church. The son was an incoming freshman, and his mom, it turned out, teaches grammar and usage seminars for corporations. I floated that old standby, the serial comma, during a lull in the conversation, and she wholeheartedly upheld it. Then she returned with a question of her own: How can you create a grammatically correct sentence that has five "and"s in a row?

Her answer required a little story. There was a painter commissioned to inscribe "ham and eggs" on a storefront window. The owner of the shop came out to inspect the work, and, slightly dissatisfied, declared, "You need more space between 'ham' and 'and' and 'and' and "eggs."


Grant said...

Five and's work but six would literally tear the space time continuum.

Kaitlin said...

Oh, there has to be a way to do it...

Steve said...

But how can you create a grammatically correct sentence that has 11 "had"s in a row?

Kaitlin said...

A quick Internet search reveals the answer...